Create New Affiliate


Request Body

    "affiliateDetails": {
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "firstName": "Tobias",
        "lastName": "Lütke",
        "nickName": "tobi"
    "affiliateTerms": {
        "revenueShare": 30,
        "cpi": 10,
        "limitPeriod": 24,
        "minWithdrawal": 50
    "affiliateLink": ""

Please Note! If the email you will send in the POST request is already associated with an affiliate account in Shoffi, we will not create a new account. We will update the existing one with a new connection to your app with the affiliate terms you sent. You will still get a "200" response with the relevant data.

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "apiKey": "YourKey",
    "appId": 00000000,
    "affiliateDetails": {
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "firstName": "Tobias",
        "lastName": "Lütke",
        "nickName": "tobi"
    "affiliateTerms": {
        "revenueShare": 30,
        "cpi": 10,
        "limitPeriod": 24,
        "minWithdrawal": 50,
        "recurringChargeOnly": true

Parameters breakdown


  • email: The new affiliate email address

  • firstName: The new affiliate first name

  • lastName: The new affiliate last name

  • nickName: The new affiliate nickname


  • revenueShare: The percentage you are willing to pay the affiliate for every transaction made by a store they referred to. You can read more about the affiliate commission.

  • cpi: Cost Per Install. The amount the affiliate will be rewarded for each successful install of the app. You can set the amount to '0' if you are not interested in paying per install.

  • limitPeriod: The period in which the affiliate will earn commissions from transactions made by the referred store, In months. If not limited, the affiliate will earn commissions as long as the referral is active.

  • minWithdrawal: The minimum amount an affiliate needs to reach in earnings so they can ask to withdraw their balance. In USD.

  • recurringChargeOnly: apply affiliate earnings from recurring charges only, excluding one-time fees charged by the app.

Response example

200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "affiliateDetails": {
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "firstName": "Tobias",
        "lastName": "Lütke",
        "nickName": "tobi"
    "affiliateTerms": {
        "revenueShare": 30,
        "cpi": 10,
        "limitPeriod": 24,
        "minWithdrawal": 50,
        "recurringChargeOnly": true
    "affiliateLink": ""

Last updated