The markets
Public Market
The Shoffi public market is a public page listing all the available affiliate programs that are visible and using a subscription plan that includes the Shoffi market.
The page is visible to everyone and is being promoted by Shoffi to attract new app affiliates.
In-app Market
The in-app market is the Market
page on every affiliate's Shoffi account. Only registered affiliates have access to this page.
All the registered apps on Shoffi are visible on the in-app market by default. You can opt out of the market in your app's settings.
Apps Visibility
The visibility of apps in the different markets is based on their subscription plan and app settings.
You can opt out from both markets if, for example, you want to invite only specific affiliates by unchecking the Visible on Shoffi
in your app's affiliate terms.
Last updated