Manual referrals

What are manual referrals?

The manual referral form allows you to report referrals made without using your referral links. After submitting a referral manually, the app owner will review the request and approve or decline it.

When to use manual referrals?

Please note! You can use the manual referrals only if you are confident that a particular store has installed the app following your advice and you are a registered affiliate of this app.

If you have used the referral link, the referral will show up in the next 24 hours, and there is no need to report it manually.

There are two reasons to submit a manual referral:

  • You have installed the app manually or told a merchant to do so without your affiliate link.

  • You sent the link to a merchant. It's been more than 24 hours, and you can't find your referral on the platform.

How to add a manual referral?

From the Referrals page

Go to the Referrals page and click the "Add referral manually" button.

Fill in the form with the required data. Here is the data you will be requested to provide:

  • App name Choose the app you have referred

  • Referred store URL The full .myshopify domain of the store you have referred (ex.

  • Referral date The date you made the referral

  • Additional info (optional) Add any information to help the app owner know you have made the referral.

Once you finish, hit the "Submit" button and await the app owner's approval.

From the connected app details page

If you'd like to add a couple of referrals to the same app in a row, it can be easier for you to add them directly from the app's connected app details page.

While submitting referrals manually from this page, you must provide only the date and store URL.

Approving manual referrals

After an affiliate submits a manual referral, the app owner will receive a notification with the data. The app owner can review the request and decide whether to approve it.

Adding manual referrals on behalf of an affiliate

The app owner can add manual referrals directly from the affiliate details page in the app owner dashboard.

Please note! Adding a manual referral on behalf of an affiliate will approve the referral immediately.

To do that, go to the affiliate page, click "Actions" and choose the "Add referral manually".

Last updated